Some of the most commonly-asked questions about The Ballet Scout.

The Ballet Scout is the premier website for discovering opportunities in dance. Search our vast database of auditions, training programs, and jobs, using detailed search filters.

The Ballet Scout has opportunities for all ages and levels of dance. We offer information on dance auditions, training, and jobs from all over the world.

As per our Terms of Use, to register for an account you must be 13 years of age or older. If you are a minor, you may have a parent or guardian create an account for you and use the site on your behalf.

To create an account, click ‘Sign Up’ on the top-right of the navbar or navigate to https://www.balletscout.info/register/ and follow the instructions. Following successful registration, you will receive an account activation email at the email address you provided during registration. This email will be from [email protected].

Before contacting support, please verify the following:
  • Did you activate your account? Check your spam folder for an email from [email protected]
  • Is your username and/or password entered correctly? Usernames are case sensitive. If you signed up as contact@, Contact@, will not work!
  • Clear your browser cache and try again
  • Restart your browser and try again

If these steps do not resolve the problem, please contact support

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it here: https://www.balletscout.info/account/password_reset_request. Enter the email address associated with your account where prompted and follow the instructions. It may take a few minutes for the password reset email to send; additionally, check your spam folder!

To delete your account, please contact support.

To access your data, please contact support.

The Ballet Scout has 4 searches: Organizations, Programs, Auditions, and Jobs, and offers detailed filters for each type of search.


  • This search is best for finding a specific organization or all of our cataloged organizations in an area.
  • The Organization page hosts all of their cataloged listings; all auditions, training programs, and jobs. If you know you want to audition for a company, check out their Organization page for all their offerings.


  • This search is best for researching training types. You can find which schools host which programs. It does not guarantee that they have open auditions, however you can quickly find that out by clicking on the organization’s name in the search cards and visiting the Organization’s page.
  • There are 6 sub-sections each with different filters:
    • Intensives: Summer and Winter Intensives. Use the date filter to specify which.
    • Year-Rounds: Training programs for dancers through the end of High-School. The general range of acceptance is ages 3-19.
    • Post High-School: Training programs for dancers graduating/graduated from highschool. These include Trainee, Second Companies, and other post-graduate training programs. The general ages are 16-25.
    • Collegiate: College dance programs from serious majors to for-fun minors.
    • Adaptive Dance: Dance is for everyone! These programs are for neurodivergent and impaired people.


  • This search is best for finding auditions and planning your tour! Search for auditions in the audition hub near you.
  • Search for in-person, video, or virtual auditions
  • Search for auditions that include multiple offerings (i.e you can audition for both the Summer Intensive and Trainee Program) by selecting multiple audition types.


  • This search is best for finding which organizations offer jobs. It does not guarantee that they have open auditions, however you can quickly find that out by clicking on the organization’s name in the search cards and visiting the Organization’s page.
  • Jobs has 3 categories:
    • Full-Time: seasonal contracts for major ballet companies.
    • Gig Work: Nutcracker guestings, summer RA jobs, and festivals.
    • Teaching positions.

You can access all of the search pages here: https://balletscout.info/search/, or by clicking 'Search' on the navbar. When you first access a search page, all results will show up. Use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow the scope of your search.

There are several reasons why your search query could return no results:
  • Make sure other fields are cleared before trying new filters. For example, a name search will stay until you delete it and re-search. You do not need to clear the entire search, you can just unselect certain fields.
  • If you are using the location search, try expanding your radius.
  • Try a different type of search, what you’re looking for may be categorized differently (I.e trainee & second company programs will be under “Post-high School”)
Contact us if you think something is wrong, missing, or if you would like help finding the best search filters for your needs.

Some more granular filters require a premium subscription to use. For more information, please view the ‘Premium Subscriptions’ section below. The following filters are available for free:
  • Programs: Name, Location, Age
  • Auditions: Name, Location, Radius (distance from location), Audition Type (in-person, virtual, recorded)
  • Jobs: Name, Location, Filter by Height

For Programs and Jobs, you can ‘favorite’ results by clicking the Heart Heart icon on a search result card. For auditions, you can ‘pin’ an audition by clicking the Pin Pin icon on the right-hand side of the result. You can view all of your Favorites or Pins on your Dashboard or Favorites/Compare page

NOTE: Favoriting and Pinning requires a premium subscription.

  • Programs: Name of the Company, Name of the Program, Styles, Location, Name of the Session(s), Ages, Dates, Tuition, Duration,
  • Auditions: Name of the company, Name of the program, Audition Style, Audition time, date, and location (if applicable), description.
  • Jobs: Name of the company, Name of position, Style, State, Level, Pointe or Flat, Duration, Salary, Competitiveness (nationally recognized)
  • Organizations: Name of the company, Address, Description
These icons denote characteristics of each search result:
  • Programs: Company Affiliated, Housing Options, Offers Men’s Program (no icon), Offers Scholarships, Offers Needs-Based Financial Aid, Offers Adult Program, Offers Performance Opportunity (no icon)
  • Auditions: N/A
  • Organizations: Competitiveness, Pointe/Flat/Both, Unionized
  • Organizations: N/A

Premium membership comes with many benefits:
  • Full access to our database
  • Full access to search filters
  • Save and pin favorites
  • Compare programs using our Favorite/Compare page
  • Full Dancer Profile access
  • Full Dashboard Access

For a more detailed explanation of premium benefits, please view our Subscription Benefits page!

  • $10/month recurring ($120/year)
  • $25/3 months switching to $10 after ($115/year)
  • $80/year recurring

Create an account and visit our Subscriptions page to select a plan!

Visit Account Settings → Subscription Status → Cancel Subscription.

Your subscription renews automatically; however, if you would like to upgrade to a different plan, please contact us.

We take your security and privacy very seriously. We do NOT store any payment-related information; all payment processing is handled securely by Square.

The Dancer Profile is our newest feature designed for easy audition submission. Store all your dance materials in a single location and send a single quick link instead of compiling materials every email!

The Dancer Profile is currently a premium feature. Essential features that aid in searches are open for all users.

Click the Lock icon to open the sharing settings dialog, and then click 'Unlock Profile' on the bottom-right. Copy your link and send it to whomever you like. Generating a new link will make your previous link invalid. We recommend doing this after each audition season. You can revoke access to an unlocked profile page by clicking the 'Lock Profile' button.

Only people with the most current link shared will have access to your profile. Generating a new link will make your previous link invalid.

The Ballet Scout provides a unique, multi-medium approach to advertising that puts your organization in front of customers who will convert.

Listing a program is free! Simply let us know about it and we will add it to the database.

Email us at [email protected] and a member of our team will be in contact shortly!

We offers 6 different ad options. They work best as a package all-together:
  • 1 month front page featured ad-spot on balletscout.info. Best overall deal.
  • 1 month front page featured ad-spot on balletscout.info. Longest lasting (until listings expire).
  • Video Reel (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube). Best for exposure.
  • Video Reel (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube). All the rest, combined!
  • Discussion group post (Facebook). Best for reaching paying parents.
  • Email Blast. Best for customer base.

We offer three tiers of advertising:
  • Local Package: $350; pick 4 options above
  • National Package: $500: pick 6 options above
  • International Package: $650; pick 8 options above (double up on 2)

Combined, BalletScout platforms reach over 1,000,000 people per month!

The Settings are the essential details required for your account. On the Settings page, you can edit your name, birthday, organization, email, and view your subscription status. Additional personal information is stored on the Dancer Profile. We recomend filling it out as it will help with searches!

We love your feedback! Feel free to contact us using the contact form or by emailing [email protected] and a member of our team be in touch with you shortly.

The dashboard is your home-base on The Ballet Scout. From the dashboard, you can access Favorite/Compare, Favorited Auditions, Upcoming Auditions, and the Dancer Profile.

The Ballet Scout allows organizations to manage their presence on our site. Once verified, Teachers and Faculty associated with an organization can:
  • Edit their organization’s photo, description, standout features, website link, and location.
  • Create listings for Programs, Jobs, and Auditions
  • Manage user access and privileges for other Teachers and Faculty.

If your organization is not listed on The Ballet Scout, follow these steps to claim it and become its main administrator:

Step 1 - Create Your Organization

  1. Navigate to your Dancer Profile or Account Settings.
  2. Either click ‘Edit Profile’ (Dancer Profile) or ‘Edit Settings’ (Account Settings) to enable editing, and then click ‘Update Organization’
  3. Under the text box, click ‘Don’t see your organization?’
  4. Fill out the form and click ‘Send for Approval’.
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’ to save your new organization.

If you don’t have an account, you can perform these steps during account registration. Upon activating your account and logging in for the first time, you will see the Opt-In and Identity Verification (IVF) forms.

Step 2 - Opt-In and Identity Verification

  1. Navigate to your dashboard; it will now ask if you would like to opt in as a Teacher or Faculty member. Click ‘Opt In.’
  2. Fill out the Identity Verification Form (IVF) for our team to review.

After our review, you will receive an email notification about the verification status. Please check your email regularly, including your spam folder. A team member may contact you for further verification.

If your organization is already listed on The Ballet Scout, follow these steps to claim it:

If the Organization Does Not Have a Main Admin:

  1. Navigate to your Dancer Profile or Account Settings.
  2. Either click ‘Edit Profile’ (Dancer Profile) or ‘Edit Settings’ (Account Settings) to enable editing, and then click ‘Update Organization’
  3. Enter your organization’s name in the text box and select it.
  4. Click ‘Save Changes.’
  5. Navigate to your dashboard; it will ask if you would like to opt in as a Teacher or Faculty member. Click ‘Opt In.’
  6. Fill out the Identity Verification Form (IVF).

Pending review, you will receive an email notification about your verification status.

The organization already has a main admin.

If your organization has already been claimed, the current main admin will be able to approve or deny your request to join the organization.

  1. Navigate to your Dancer Profile or Account Settings and change your organization.
  2. Enter your organization’s name in the text box and select it.
  3. Click ‘Save Changes.’
  4. Navigate to your dashboard; it will ask if you would like to opt in as a Teacher or Faculty member. Click ‘Opt In.’

The current main admin will be able to approve or deny your request without needing to fill out an IVF.

During the verification process, we use the provided contact information to verify your relationship with the organization. This information is stored only during verification and deleted afterward. We will also reach out to the organization for confirmation. If you haven’t received an email within a week, check your spam folder or contact us at [email protected].

Once you have claimed your organization’s page, you and any added Teachers or Faculty will be able to:

  • Edit the organization’s photo, description, standout features, website link, and location.
  • Create listings for Programs, Jobs, and Auditions
  • Manage user access and privileges for other Teachers and Faculty.

Note - in order to edit your organization’s details, you must be an Admin or Main Admin for the organization. To edit your organization’s details:

  1. Navigate to your organization’s dashboard
  2. Click ‘Edit Details’ on the top-left card to access the editor.
  3. Make your changes and click ‘Save Changes.’
  4. To preview the organization page, click ‘View Page’ on the top-right.

Note - in order to create submissions, you must be an Admin or Main Admin for the organization. To create listings:

  1. Navigate to your dashboard
  2. Under ‘Organization’, click ‘Create New Listing’
  3. Select the listing type and fill out the required information.
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to send it for review. You can track submissions on the ‘Manage Listings’ page.

Approved Teachers or Faculty members can become moderators, admins, or main admins:

  • Moderator - Can submit listings.
  • Admin - Can edit organization details and approve or deny requests to join the organization.
  • Main Admin - Can promote/demote moderators and remove members from the organization.

To approve a request, have the Teacher/Faculty member create a Ballet Scout account, opt in as a Teacher/Faculty member, and fill out the IVF. Once the request is successful, you will see a pending request alert.

If their pending request was successful, you will see an alert for (1) pending request to join the organization.

Note: you must be an administrator to approve or deny requests to join the organization, and the main administrator to promote or demote existing moderators to admin, as well as remove moderators and administrators from the organization. To manage other members:

  1. From the dashboard, navigate to ‘View all Teachers/Faculty’.
  2. If you are an administrator or the main administrator, you will see options to promote, demote, or remove members.
  3. Select the desired action and click ‘Confirm.’

We’re always working on new features and improving the site! But if there’s something specific you want to see, please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Get creative with filtering! There are other factors that tie into finding programs other than the exact filter. For example, if you are looking for a partnering summer intensive, try setting the “max weeks” filter to “2 weeks”. This will show all the add-on intensives like partnering, choreography, company experiences, and more.

If your question wasn't answered here please contact us!