Ajkun Ballet Theatre - Full Time Job - Company Dancer (Rolling)

30 Pilot Street, Suite 3 L, NYC, NY 10464
Hiring level unknown
Height unknown
Dates: 08/01/24-06/01/25 (Weeks unknown)
Salary Unknown
Union status unknown
Ages unknown
Company Size: 27
Weekly hours unknown
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary


We welcome dancers and character actors to apply for full-time, short-term or tour engagement contracts. Competitive pay and benefits. Application requirements: Dancers, age 16 - 35 years old, who have completed their ballet training at an established dance institution. Dancers may audition at one of our Open Auditions or submit a Video Audition to be invited to Company Class. Character Actors, age 18-55 years old, please submit a Video Audition.

Last updated: June 6, 2024