Amherst College - Collegiate Program - Theater & Dance Department

220 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002
No upcoming auditions for this program
Not company affiliated
Offers double major
Offers early graduation
Offers study abroad
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


Our curriculum combines artistic exploration and achievement with critical understanding in a variety of artistic techniques and topics. The major requirements meet the needs of students interested in graduate work and career opportunities in theater and dance related fields, while also providing significant skills and insights to those whose main area of interest may be in another subject. Majors may also include relevant courses from other departments, the Five Colleges, and study-away programs into their studies. Our production season and upper-level courses give majors opportunities to create live performances alongside their peers, collaborating faculty, and guest artists. If you are curious about majoring in Theater and Dance, contact a faculty member to discuss your interests and options. We encourage you to speak with us as early as possible, particularly if you plan to study away or complete a second major.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Estimated Tuition


- Available

Housing (1)


Amherst has 34 residence halls.


Estimated Housing

Session Description

Course Requirements Course levels and categories Majors complete a minimum of 10 courses offered or approved by the department. Courses must meet course level requirements, and category requirements, as described below. A course may satisfy both a course level requirement and a category requirement. Course level requirements Courses counting toward the major must include: at least three 100-level courses. at least three 200-level courses. at least two 300- and/or 400-level courses. Category requirements Courses counting toward the major must include: at least one 100-level course emphasizing collaborative and improvisatory techniques (e.g., THDA 110 or THDA 111). at least one course in a physical performance practice (e.g., acting or dance/movement) at least one course in design at least three courses in critical and contextual studies

Last updated: Aug. 10, 2024