The MFA program in dance with a concentration in interdisciplinary digital media and performance builds on the strength of the School of Music, Dance and Theatre and expands into the specific area of new media practices. The concentration provides a select group of graduate students with a rigorous, in-depth opportunity to specialize in dance as well as transdisciplinary digital arts. The interdisciplinary classes and research activities of the transdisciplinary School of Arts, Media and Engineering that are part of this concentration give students access to advanced media equipment, studios, project funding and interdisciplinary collaborators. The program welcomes a diversity of students, including returning professionals who have experience or interest in choreography, dance science and somatics, dance teaching praxis, dance and technology, community engagement, practices of equity and inclusion, professional partnerships and dance scholarship and theory. Students whose approaches are interdisciplinary and cross-cultural in nature and who are self-motivated, have clear and demonstrated objectives and are willing to explore new possibilities in the field of dance and beyond are ideal for this program. Each graduate student will develop their potential as a creator, performer, teacher, thinker and art advocate. Frequent showings are required for degree completion.
Not Provided
the base tuition for Arizona residents pursuing a graduate degree at Arizona State University is $12,939.
Nonresident tuition is $37,085
Housing - Unavailable
The current Master of Fine Arts program is normally accomplished during three years of residency in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre. Ongoing showings of creative work are required. Foundational coursework is offered in areas of creative practice, movement practices, pedagogy, professional development, technology and theory. Students enrolled in the program specialize in areas related to independent research. The Master of Fine Arts portfolio, which may involve producing original choreography, presenting a lecture demonstration on a body of research or another form of original work, acts as the culminating experience of the program. Completing the process are a presentation, a final written document that is reflective in nature, and an oral defense.