The ASU MFA program in dance is normally accomplished during three years of residency. The dance program welcomes a diversity of applicants, including returning professionals, who have experience and interest in choreography, dance science and somatics, dance teaching praxis, dance and technology, community engagement, practices of equity and inclusion, professional partnerships and dance scholarship and theory. Students whose approaches are interdisciplinary and cross-cultural in nature and who are self-motivated, have clear and demonstrated objectives and are willing to explore new possibilities in the field of dance and beyond are ideal for this program. This program encourages in-depth study in a range of dance practices and related fields. Each graduate student will develop their potential as a creator, performer, teacher, thinker and art advocate. Frequent showings are required for degree completion.
Not Provided
the base tuition for Arizona residents pursuing a graduate degree at Arizona State University is $12,939.
Nonresident tuition is $37,085
Housing - Unavailable
Students in the Master of Fine Arts program in dance take coursework in dance and related fields that have been designed to provide a broad and fundamental preparation for future careers. Opportunities on and off campus further develop the knowledge and skills students need to become leaders in the dance community through teaching, performing and creating, and engaging in scholarship and arts advocacy. The Master of Fine Arts portfolio in dance serves as the culminating experience in the graduate dance curriculum. The portfolio takes into consideration the future goals of the student and serves as a bridge to careers beyond graduate school.