Ballet Bloch (Canada) - Trainee/Second Company - Aspirant Program

#108 - 275 Fell Ave, North Vancouver BC, V7P 3R5, CANADA
30 hours/week
Not company affiliated
No education access
Stipend offering unknown
Styles: General Classical
Not Competitive
In Person


Our Aspirant Professional Program offers trained dancers aged 18-22yrs the opportunity to fine-tune their technique and artistic skills in preparation for a company placement. Our faculty is proactive in assisting Aspirants in selecting suitable options for audition throughout the year. This may be for Post Graduate placement, Trainee positions or Company contracts around the world. Our teachers and resources are extensive in the genres of classical ballet, contemporary ballet and contemporary and stretch from North and South America to Europe. The Aspirant Professional Program fosters young talent on the bridge of entering the professional world of dance. This program is designed around the individual dancer and supports one to two years of additional training and performance experience.


Session Information



Not Provided

Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

no description provided

Last updated: June 14, 2024