Ballet Bloch (Canada) - Year-Round Program - Advanced Program

#108 - 275 Fell Ave, North Vancouver BC, V7P 3R5, CANADA
25 hours/week
Not company affiliated
Adult program unknown
Education access offerings unknown
Styles: General Classical
Not Competitive
In Person


Our Advanced Professional Training Program is for the serious/full-time dancer aged 15yrs+ who is training to improve technical ability and artistic performance. This program offers young dancers the opportunity to showcase themselves as part of a Corps de Ballet or as a Soloist or Principal Dancer in our seasonal performances/productions. Students gain experience similar to that of a professional ballet company, working together with choreographers, professional artists and directors to produce full-length ballets throughout the year.


Session Information



Not Provided

Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

no description provided

Last updated: June 14, 2024