Ballet Melange - Second Company - Ballet Melange 2

6740 E Hampden Ave #309 Denver, CO 80224 United States
30 hours/week
Company affiliated
No education access
Offers stipend
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


At Ballet Melange, our Second Company program is tailored for accomplished dancers who stand at the threshold of a professional career, having successfully completed a rigorous trainee program, or for young aspiring dancers who have recently graduated from ballet or dance academies. We actively seek individuals aged 17 years and older with well-developed skills honed through dedicated training, ready to take the next step in their artistic journey. Second Company program runs mid-August through May. As Ballet Melange 2 program members, dancers receive complimentary, high-quality training in tandem with seasoned professionals, creating an enriching and collaborative learning environment. This unique opportunity not only refines their craft but also facilitates seamless integration into the professional ballet sphere.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

Acceptance to Ballet Melange Performance Company for 2024-2025 season by audition only. Contract Company positions available for male and female dancers. Contracts available for a seven month season: October through December and February through May The Ballet Melange season will consist of two major productions with additional smaller performances Candidates must be 18 years or older & should have strong classical and contemporary technique We hold annual auditions in the months of March, April & August and year around by video. If auditioning in person is not possible, applicants may audition by video. For information about the content of the video, please see our Video Audition Requirements below. Applicants may be asked to attend an interview and an in-person audition Please bring your resume, a headshot, and a picture in first arabesque to the audition.

Last updated: June 19, 2024