Ballet Tech - Year-Round Program - Ballet Tech Elementary School

890 Broadway New York, NY 10003
30 hours/week
Not company affiliated
No adult program
Offers education access
Styles: General Classical
Not Competitive
Financial Aid
In Person


Ballet Tech’s Elementary School welcomes students into a learning environment that promotes student engagement, fosters strong work habits, and facilitates high-level critical thinking. During their first two years of dance training, students are introduced to the fundamental principles of classical ballet.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

At Ballet Tech, we believe that children learn best in a supportive and positive environment that encourages discussion and requires critical thinking. For students to make progress and meet the demands of our high standards, in both academic and dance classes, teachers must know their students intellectually, socially, and emotionally, and support their growth from that position. While the content of subject matter varies from class to class, there is a common culture of learning based on strong work habits, collaboration, persistence and, perhaps most importantly, reflection.

Last updated: Nov. 27, 2023