Belhaven University - Collegiate Program - BFA in Dance

1500 Peachtree St, Jackson, MS 39202
Not company affiliated
Offers double major
Early graduation offering unknown
Study abroad offering unknown
Styles: General Classical, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Dance includes a minimum of 128 credit hours: A minimum of 85 credits in dance (with a minimum of 34 credits of dance technical studies) 21 credits of performance and choreography studies 30 credits of dance studies (history, theory, body sciences, and career preparation)


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Average Tuition (full-time 12-18 hours)


- Available

Housing (3)


4 Different Halls: Caldwell, Lakeview, Helen White, Robertson Halls


Double Occupancy


University Village


University Village ( does not include meal plan)


Wells Hall


Private Occupancy

Session Description

85 hours to include: Required Dance Courses (41 hours) Required Dance Studies (11 hours) DAN 147 - Orientation to Dance (1 ) DAN 185 - Principles for Dance Health (3 ) DAN 375 - Dance Pedagogy (2 ) DAN 401 - Dance Kinesiology (3 ) DAN 411 - Careers in Dance (2 ) Dance History (6 hours) DAN 360 - Dance History I (World Cultural Dance) (3 ) DAN 361 - Dance History II (Western Concert Dance and Practices) (3 ) Performance and Choreography Studies (19 hours) DAN 148 - Performance Practicum (1 ) DAN 170 - Improvisation I (1 ) DAN 243 - Performance II (2 ) DAN 244 - Performance II (2 ) DAN 270 - Improvisation II (1 ) DAN 343 - Performance III (2 ) DAN 344 - Performance III (2 ) DAN 370 - Elements of Composition I (2 ) DAN 371 - Elements of Composition II (2 ) DAN 443 - Performance IV (2 ) DAN 444 - Performance IV (2 ) Choreography Option (2 hours) DAN 470 - Choreography (2 ) OR DAN 471 - Choreography With the Camera (2 ) Teaching Methods (2 hours) DAN 475 - Teaching Methods - Ballet (2 ) OR DAN 476 - Teaching Methods - Modern (2 ) Dance Technical Studies (1 hour) DAN 215 - Conditioning for Dancers (1 ) Production Technology Option (4 hours) Choose 2 courses from the following DAN 300 - Dance Production I (2 ) DAN 301 - Dance Production II (2 ) DAN 460 - Dance and Technology (2 ) Dance Technical Studies (34 hours) A minimum of three technique/studio courses (4 credits) are required for each semester for credit, audit or through Dance Technique Practicum. Students must study two genres of dance per semester (ballet, modern, and/or jazz). BFA students must achieve/maintain Ballet Technique IV OR Modern Technique IV one semester prior to graduation. Technique/studio courses include Ballet, Pointe, Modern, Partnering Techniques, Variations, Pas de Deux, Men's Technique, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tap, Conditioning for Dancers, Yoga and Pilates DAN B41 - Ballet Technique IV (0 or 2) DAN B48 - Ballet Technique IV (0 or 1) OR DAN M41 - Modern Dance Technique IV (0 or 2) DAN M48 - Modern Dance Technique IV (0 or 1) Senior Project (6 hours) DAN 400 - Senior Project (3 ) (students must complete 2 consecutive semesters of DAN 400) Note: *Dance BFA students are required to graduate with a total of 128 hours.

Last updated: Aug. 13, 2024