Berlin Dance Institute (BDI) - Year-Round Program - POST - Performance Oriented Student Transition

Egelingzeile 6, 12103 Berlin, Germany
30 hours/week
Not company affiliated
Adult program unknown
No education access
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary
Not Competitive
In Person


The P.O.S.T. programme is a 5-month post-graduate intensive programme designed to prepare young dancers for the transition to the professional world and to assist them in the early stages of their careers. If you want to take your career to the next level, this Berlin based program at Berlin Dance Institute is for you.


Session Information



Not Provided

Men's Program?


Tuition Options


P.O.S.T 375 € per month Students receive a 5 percent discount if tuition is paid in one payment at the start of the programme

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

The P.O.S.T. programme is a 5-month post-graduate intensive programme designed to prepare young dancers for the transition to the professional world and to assist them in the early stages of their careers. If you want to take your career to the next level, this Berlin based program at Berlin Dance Institute is for you. Show your work on two performance days (December and March). As a dance artist on this programme, you will also have the chance to develop your teaching skills and gain invaluable teaching experience by giving classes to the ongoing dance intensive programme offered at Berlin Dance Institute. Take part in Berlin Dance Institute’s Christmas Project performance, either as a dancer or as a creator. Build a community in Berlin and take the first steps in networking with other dance professionals. Explore the Berlin dance scene and step into the professional world with confidence, equipped with performance and creative experience.

Last updated: Sept. 5, 2024