California State University Long Beach - Collegiate Program - BFA in Dance

Not company affiliated
Offers double major
Early graduation offering unknown
Study abroad offering unknown
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Jazz, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


Majors will demonstrate proficient skills and technique in modern dance and ballet, with competency in jazz dance and hip hop, enabling them to pursue professional dance careers. Majors will demonstrate competencies in choreographic processes that support the development of creative and collaborative professional opportunities. Majors will describe the socio-cultural, historical, and scientific dimensions of dance, to give depth and perspective to the performance and pedagogical aspects of the dance discipline. Majors will develop and demonstrate current methods and relevant strategies necessary to pursue professional careers in dance and dance-related fields. Majors will demonstrate the skills necessary to analyze and review dance history, concepts, and aesthetic qualities, both orally and in writing. Majors will demonstrate skills in the production and technological aspects of dance.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


CA Resident Tuition Fee Full Time


Non-Resident Tuition Fee Added Each Credit


- Available

Housing (7)


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Triple Room - Standard


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Double Room - Standard


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Double Room - Plus


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Double Room- Premium


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Single Room - Standard


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages


Single Room - Premium


Hillside, Parkside, Beachside Villages



Session Description

Requirements Orientation (2 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 100 - Orientation to Dance (2 units) DANC 300 - Dance Orientation: Transfer Students (2 units) Dance Core (29 units) Take all of the following: DANC 120 - Introduction to Dancemaking (3 units) DANC 161 - Body Awareness and Conditioning for Dancers (2 units) DANC 182 - Introduction to Dance Production (2 units) DANC 205 - Introduction to Dance History (3 units) DANC 220 - Dance Composition I (3 units) DANC 260 - Functional Anatomy for the Dancer (3 units) DANC 320 - Dance Composition II (3 units) DANC 331 - Music for Dance (2 units) DANC 360 - Quantitative Analysis of Dance Injuries: Prevention and Recovery (3 units) DANC 361 - Pilates I (3 units) DANC 498 - Senior Seminar in Dance (2 units) Technique (20 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 152A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques I (2 units) Or DANC 152B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques I (2 units) DANC 252A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques II (2 units) Or DANC 252B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques II (2 units) DANC 312A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques III (2 units) Or DANC 312B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques III (2 units) DANC 412A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques IV (2 units) Or DANC 412B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques IV (2 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 154A - Ballet Technique I (2 units) Or DANC 154B - Ballet Technique I (2 units) DANC 254A - Ballet Technique II (2 units) Or DANC 254B - Ballet Technique II (2 units) DANC 314A - Ballet Technique III (2 units) Or DANC 314B - Ballet Technique III (2 units) DANC 414A - Ballet Technique IV (2 units) Or DANC 414B - Ballet Technique IV (2 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 116A - Jazz Technique I (2 units) Or DANC 116B - Jazz Technique I (2 units) DANC 216A - Jazz Technique II (2 units) Or DANC 216B - Jazz Techniques II (2 units) DANC 316A - Jazz Technique III (2 units) Or DANC 316B - Jazz Technique III (2 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 109A - Street and Club Dances I (2 units) Or DANC 109B - Street and Club Dances I (2 units) DANC 209A - Street and Club Dances II (2 units) Or DANC 209B - Street and Club Dances II (2 units) DANC 309A - Street and Club Dances III (2 units) Or DANC 309B - Street and Club Dances III (2 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 210A - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora I (2 units) Or DANC 210B - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora I (2 units) DANC 310A - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora II (2 units) Or DANC 310B - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora II (2 units) Take 8 units from the following with 4 units being upper division Must complete 2 units at upper division in two dance forms. DANC 209A - Street and Club Dances II (2 units) Or DANC 209B - Street and Club Dances II (2 units) DANC 210A - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora I (2 units) Or DANC 210B - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora I (2 units) DANC 216A - Jazz Technique II (2 units) Or DANC 216B - Jazz Techniques II (2 units) DANC 252A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques II (2 units) Or DANC 252B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques II (2 units) DANC 254A - Ballet Technique II (2 units) Or DANC 254B - Ballet Technique II (2 units) DANC 309A - Street and Club Dances III (2 units) Or DANC 309B - Street and Club Dances III (2 units) DANC 310A - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora II (2 units) Or DANC 310B - Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora II (2 units) DANC 312A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques III (2 units) Or DANC 312B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques III (2 units) DANC 314A - Ballet Technique III (2 units) Or DANC 314B - Ballet Technique III (2 units) DANC 316A - Jazz Technique III (2 units) Or DANC 316B - Jazz Technique III (2 units) DANC 412A - Modern-Contemporary Techniques IV (2 units) Or DANC 412B - Modern-Contemporary Techniques IV (2 units) DANC 414A - Ballet Technique IV (2 units) Or DANC 414B - Ballet Technique IV (2 units) Take 2 units of the following: DANC 313 - BFA Workshop (1-2 units) Composition (2 units) Take one of the following: DANC 420 - Advanced Composition (2 units) DANC 422 - Improvisation (2 units) Production (3 units) Take one of the following: DANC 488 - Organization of Dance Production (3 units) DANC 491A - Design for Dance Lighting (3 units) DANC 491B - Design for Dance Costuming (3 units) Pedagogy (3 units) Take one of the following: DANC 470 - Selected Topics in Dance Pedagogy (3 units) DANC 475 - Dance for Children (3 units) Performance/Crew (8 units) Take 2 units from the following: DANC 181 - Dance Production Technical (1 unit) DANC 381 - Dance Production Technical (1 unit) DANC 481 - Dance Production-Technical (1 unit) Take 5 units from the following: DANC 180 - Dance Performance (1 unit) DANC 295 - Repertory (1-3 units) DANC 321 - Directed Choreography (1-3 units) DANC 380 - Dance Performance (1 unit) DANC 480 - Dance Performance (1 unit) DANC 495 - Repertory (1-3 units) Take 1 unit from the following: DANC 321 - Directed Choreography (1-3 units) DANC 380 - Dance Performance (1 unit) DANC 381 - Dance Production Technical (1 unit) DANC 480 - Dance Performance (1 unit) DANC 481 - Dance Production-Technical (1 unit) DANC 495 - Repertory (1-3 units) Upper Division Dance Elective (3 units) Take one of the following: DANC 342 - Global Cultures and Dance Traditions (3 units) DANC 435 - Dance on Camera (3 units) DANC 442 - Dance and Social Identity in the U.S. (3 units) DANC 445 - Somatic Techniques and Movement Analysis (3 units) Upper Division Dance GE (3 units) Take one of the following: DANC 342 - Global Cultures and Dance Traditions (3 units) DANC 442 - Dance and Social Identity in the U.S. (3 units)

Last updated: Aug. 17, 2024