Canada's National Ballet School - Second Company - Company Life Program

400 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2G6, Canada
30 hours/week
Company affiliated
Offers education access
Stipend offering unknown
Styles: General Classical
Financial Aid
In Person


Today’s professional ballet dancers are expected to be more versatile and adept at managing their own professional development than at any other point in ballet’s history. Our Company Life Program concentrates on the refinement of skills and the professional development of a dancer after their completion of academic high school. We provide a supportive and flexible transition from completion of training to full-time professional practice. Through the Company Life Program, we provide students the opportunity to experience the intensity and rigours of life in a dance company while still within the supportive environment of an educational program. The primary difference between the life of a dance student and the life of a professional dancer in a company is the intensity of the rehearsal and performance schedules. Not only do dancers in a company spend many more hours a day rehearsing and performing, they are also expected to pick up new choreography quickly and are often called upon to rehearse several works at once. In addition to physical endurance, this requires significant mental stamina. Dancers must learn to manage their time and energy while taking full responsibility for their professionalism. By mirroring the demands of professional company life, students can explore who they are as artists while receiving educational support.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Canadian, non-boarding student


Canadian, boarding student


International, non-boarding student


International, boarding student


- Available

Housing (1)


None Provided


Housing is sometimes available on campus if there is enough space

Session Description

More information to come; The audition process takes place in two stages: Stage One: Audition in-person or online. Students who have successfully auditioned will be invited to join stage two of the audition process. Stage Two: Attend Summer School. Students who have successfully auditioned will be invited to join the full-time Profesisonal Ballet Program for the 2024/25 school year.

Last updated: Sept. 4, 2023