Cary Ballet Conservatory - Year-Round Program - Professional Training Program (PTP)

3791 NW Cary Pkwy, Cary, NC 27513
30 hours/week
Not company affiliated
Adult program unknown
Offers education access
Styles: General Classical
Financial Aid
In Person


Cary Ballet Conservatory is proud to provide the Professional Training Program serving dedicated students aged 12-20, who are focused on a professional career. Through CBC’s Professional Training Program, students will become engulfed in a well-rounded training regimen, polishing their technical skills, building necessary stamina and evolving as artists. Trainees will be challenged to understand and interpret various dance and performing styles through the carefully designed curriculum as well as perform with CBC’s resident pre-professional Cary Ballet Company. As our dancers become seasoned young artists they will gain an invaluable edge as they enter the competitive phase of auditioning for and working within professional companies. This comprehensive program provides the experience necessary to ease the transition from student to professional dancer, all while offering personal attention and thoughtful career guidance in a small, nurturing environment.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided


- Available

Housing (1)


None Provided


Housing is available at a nearby apartment complex

Session Description

At Cary Ballet Conservatory, PTP students receive instruction in our spacious and beautifully equipped studios, which feature advanced sprung flooring technology. Classes are typically held for 5-6 hours each weekday, and training on Saturdays runs from approximately 11:00am to 4:00pm (subject to change). There are no classes on Sundays. Students will receive daily instruction in technique classes, as well as classes in pointe/variations, partnering, jazz, contemporary, stretch/conditioning/pilates, repertoire, and choreography. Our Professional Training Program holds auditions at various times throughout the year. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to us to inquire about the next audition.

Last updated: June 29, 2024