DeCruz Ballet - Year-Round Program - Intermediate Training Division (ITD)

14855 Blanco Rd, Suite 300 San Antonio, TX 78216
15 hours/week
Not company affiliated
No adult program
No education access
Styles: General Classical, Modern, Other
In Person


Classes run 6 days a week from 9:30am - 1pm including ballet, pointe, variations, strength & conditioning, modern, pilates, circuit, Progressing Ballet Technique and the opportunity to join the DeCruz Ballet Competition Team as well as participating in some of the Professional Training Division (PTD) classes. Faculty includes DeCruz Ballet directors Lindsi Dec & Karel Cruz, as well as Hannah Knorr and Gabriela Lugo Moreno, Yania Noyola. PERFORMING OPPORTUNITIES Dancers in our Intermediate Program will have the chance to perform alongside ourProfessional Training Division students in both our November performances and Spring performance as well as any additional performances/opportunities that may come up.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Per Month

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday 9:30-10:00am: Strength & Conditioning with PTDs with Ms. Lindsi (Studio A) 10:05-12:00pm: Ballet Technique with Ms. Hannah (Studio B) 12:10-1:00pm: Contemporary with Ms. Hannah (Studio B) Tuesday 9:30-945- Epaulement with PTDs and Ms. Lauren (Studio A) 9:50-11:45am: Ballet Technique with Ms. Lindsi (Studio B) 11:55-12:45pm: Pointe/Rehearsal or Pilates with Ms. Lindsi or Ms. Hannah (Studio B) Wednesday 9:30-11:30am: Ballet Technique with PTDs with Mr. Karel (Studio A) 11:45-12:45pm: Pilates with PTDs with Ms. Hannah (Studio A) Thursday 9:30-10:15am: PBT with PTDs with Ms. Yania (Studio A) 10:20-12:15pm: Ballet Technique with Ms. Yania (Studio B) 12:20-1:00pm: Pointe/Variations with Ms. Yania (Studio B) Friday 9:30-10:00am: Strength & Conditioning with PTDs with Ms. Gabriella (Studio A) 10:05-12:00pm: Ballet Technique with Mr. Karel (Studio B) 12:05-1:00pm: Repertoire with Mr. Karel or Ms. Hannah (Studio B) Saturday 9:00-9:45am: Pilates: PTD, HS (12-14) and Level 4 with Ms. Hannah (Studio A) 10:00-11:30am: Combined Ballet with Ms. Lindsi/Mr. Karel/Ms. Hannah (Studio A) *Potential 1145-1245 rehearsal times for Nut rehearsals and DBCT rehearsals DRESS CODE: HOMESCHOOL INTERMEDIATE BALLET PROGRAM GIRLS BALLET: Pink or flesh tone tights M, W, F: Black leotard T,TH, Sat: Colored leotard Pink/flesh tone ballet slippers. Hair pulled back away from the face in a bun. MODERN: black leotard, black tights, barefoot or socks BOYS BALLET: Black tights, black ballet slippers, fitted white shirt. MODERN: black tights, fitted white shirt, barefoot **NO WATCHES or large jewelry!

Last updated: Sept. 11, 2024