Dutch National Ballet - Year-Round Program - Pre-NBA Program

Jodenbreestraat 3, 1011 NG Amsterdam
No upcoming auditions for this program
Company affiliated
No adult program
Education access offerings unknown
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary
In Person


If you want to dance professionally it is important to start correct ballet training as young as possible. Therefore we offer children as young 8 to 10 years old (Dutch group 5 and 6) the opportunity to take classes at the Dutch National Ballet Academy.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

In pre-NBA 1, children receive a class in classical ballet and a class in world dance every Saturday at the building of the Dutch National Ballet Academy on Nicolaas Tetterodestraat 13 in Amsterdam. The course gives children the opportunity to be introduced to the more professional nature of ballet classes at the Dutch National Ballet Academy and offers a structured lesson plan that focuses on learning correct basic technique. It is a great stepping stone to day-to-day training, as it allows children to get in touch with pre-professional training opportunities at a young age. And isn’t it wonderful to be able to dance together with talented children who are also motivated become ballet dancers? Children do not automatically advance to pre-NBA 2, but will be evaluated in early June.

Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

In pre-NBA 2 the training gets again more serious and the timetable is extended to classes twice a week. On Saturday mornings, a classical ballet class and world dance class are scheduled. On Wednesday afternoons another classical ballet class. Classes will take place at the building of the Dutch National Ballet Academy on Nicolaas Tetterodestraat 13 in Amsterdam. The course runs from September to March. The course gives children the opportunity to become acquainted with the professional nature of dance classes at the Dutch National Ballet Academy. After all, pre-professional classes are different in character from amateur classes. The structured lesson plan, in which learning the correct basic technique is central is a great stepping stone to day-to-day professional training that starts in Group 7. Moreover, it is great fun and stimulating to dance with children of the same age who share the same passion and desire for a dance career! Children from pre-NBA 2 do not automatically move on to the daily professional training in group 7. In March/April, the so-called audition course is scheduled. In this audition course, children are prepared for the final audition. During the final audition, it is decided which children will be admitted to the first year of the National Ballet Academy. These children are called “de Nieuwe Lichting” and attend classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays in May and June to prepare for the first year of the daily program.

Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

We believe it is important that children from parts of the Netherlands further from Amsterdam can also get in touch with professional training opportunities. How nice is it to be able to dance together with talented children who are also motivated to learn the classical dance profession? In this way, we would like to give young talent the chance to see if vocational classical ballet training suits them. After all, pre-professional classes are different in character from amateur classes and it is a big step to study at the Dutch National Ballet Academy in Amsterdam from group 7 onwards. Pre-NBA Groningen classes are intended for children in group 5 and 6 and take place on Saturday mornings from 10.00 to 11.45. The season runs from September through June. Children from group 6 audition for the daytime course at the Dutch National Ballet Academy in Amsterdam in April (if desired).

Last updated: Oct. 5, 2023