European School of Ballet - Year-Round Program - Classical Advanced Program

Chasséstraat 64, 1057 JJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
30 hours/week
Company affiliation unknown
Adult program unknown
Education access offerings unknown
Styles: General Classical
In Person


ESB Classical Advanced Program dancers receive daily 5h 30min of training. The morning hours are dedicated to their academic studies. All of them follow an online academic program and permissions to attend eventual exams are granted by ESB so students can optimally combine their intensive artistic and academic studies. ESB Training offers a variety of lessons and workshops fostering personal growth and individual coaching. Ballet technique, brio and pointe – based on the fundamental guidelines of ESB teaching – classical & contemporary repertoires, pas-de-deux, Spanish Folk, Caractère, Pantomime and Improvisation as well as workshops on various choreographers such as Dawson or Forsythe. ESB also provides body conditioning, Floor Barre, Pilates and Gyrokinesis classes and is supported by a team of medical doctors and sport therapists. ESB unique template of education proposes applied music classes, dance research & history, applied anatomy, mindfulness techniques and meditation. Basic human sciences information is part of each trimester studies so students can integrate their training and acquire a better sense of empowerment. Advanced dancers perform at in-house demonstrations and sometimes mix with other levels during specific workshops. They also participate in yearly Teacher Training sessions designed for them at the end of which some aspiring pedagogues get to teach a ballet class supervised by ESB’s artistic team. Dancers interested in choreographing also get the opportunity to create and show their work.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Full Year Tuition: €9850


3-Month Internship Fees- Classical Advanced Program €4250


6-Month Internship Fees- Classical Advanced Program €7450


- Available

Housing (1)


None Provided


Housing available

Session Description

ESB Classical Advanced Program is the last level before entering the Classical Trainee Program. Therefore, the end of the season assessments must confirm the physical/artistic/technical aptitudes as well as the adequate commitment and dedication necessary to pursue the last one or two-year training within the Trainee Program.

Last updated: Jan. 13, 2024