Florida State University - Collegiate Program - Dance Major (BFA)

600 W College Ave, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Not company affiliated
Double major offering unknown
Early graduation offering unknown
Offers study abroad
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


The BFA in dance at Florida State University is designed to provide an environment of the highest caliber in both practice and scholarship preparing students to enter dance as a profession. The degree emphasis is on performance and choreography as well as the theoretical aspects of dance (pedagogical, historic and aesthetic). Additionally, students select an area of specialization which relates to their areas of interest, deepens their understanding of dance, and may impact their particular contribution to the field upon graduation.


Session Information




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Tuition Options


In-State Tuition Per Semester


Out-Of-State Tuition Per Semester


- Available

Housing (1)


18 different residence halls



Session Description

I. Dance Technique (30 hours minimum; courses are repeatable) • DAA 3108 (2) – Contemporary Dance I • DAA 3208 (2) – Ballet I • DAA 3109 (2) – Contemporary Dance II • DAA 3209 (2) – Ballet II • DAA 4110 (2) – Contemporary Dance III • DAA 4210 (2) – Ballet III II. Composition and Repertory (10 hours minimum) Required sequence: • DAA 2610 (2) – Dance Composition: Exploration of basic rhythmic, spatial, and dynamic materials in the designing of dance movements; improvisation and exploration of various ideological and aesthetic sources. • DAN 2611 (3) – Music and Choreography. Analysis of various elements of music with relationship to dance performance and/or choreography. Study of choreographic forms and structures. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite: DAN 2610. • DAA 3654 (2) – Choreography-Repertory: The study and practice of selected works of dance repertory. Repeatable for a maximum credit of 16 semester hours. Consent of instructor required. • DAA 3614 (3) – Dance Composition: Study of choreographic forms and structures. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite: DAN 2611. III. Other Required Dance Courses (40 hours) • DAN 2500 (1) – Introduction to Design • DAN 2610 (3) – Rhythmic Analysis • DAN 2101 (3) – Introduction to the Dance Profession • DAN 3754 (2) – Dance Conditioning • DAE 3384 (3) – Methods and Materials in Dance Education • DAN 3504 (2) – Dance Production • DAN 3584 (1) – Dance Theatre Lab • DAN 3400 (3) – Movement Analysis • DAN 3144 (3)- Cultural Perspectives on Dance • DAN 3145 (3)- Classical Perspectives on Dance • DAN 3146 (3) – Contemporary Perspectives on Dance • DAN 3714 (3) – Dance Kinesiology • DAA 1680, 2681, 3684, 4685 (1 each) – Dance Ensemble. Repeatable; minimum 1 hour credit required. • DAA 4418 (3) – Survey of Dance Technologies • DAN 4971 (3) – Senior Capstone Experience IV. Liberal Studies (36 hours) • DAN 3144 (3) Cultural Perspectives on Dance may be applied to the Liberal Studies requirements. V. Dance Electives (11 hours) Students are required to investigate possibilities for dance elective courses which relate to their areas of interest, deepen their understanding of dance, and provide a significant investigation into one or more related areas of study which may impact their particular contribution to the field of dance upon graduation. Individual areas of concentration are planned by the student with approval of the student’s faculty advisor. Areas of concentration may include, but are not limited to: dance production, dance technology, dance conditioning, repertory and performance, choreography, dance history and writing, and dance analysis. Summary of Curriculum Requirements: I. Dance Technique ~30 semester hours II. Composition and Repertory ~10 semester hours III. Other Required Dance Courses ~40 semester hours IV. Liberal Studies ~36 semester hours V. Dance Electives ~11 semester hours Total: 128 semester hours

Last updated: Aug. 25, 2024