George Mason University - Collegiate Program - Dance Major (BFA)

4400 University Drive, MS3D4 Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Not company affiliated
Double major offering unknown
Early graduation offering unknown
Study abroad offering unknown
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


The BFA in Dance is a performance-oriented contemporary dance program designed to prepare students professionally as performers, choreographers, educators, and active leaders of the dance community. Students in this program demonstrate technical mastery and devote their college study to an intensive and comprehensive dance curriculum. Daily technical training in modern dance and ballet, and numerous performance opportunities develops a versatile dancer. Student progress in the BFA program is assessed consistently. Because of the professional nature of the BFA degree, the program requires completion of 123 credits of coursework.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Average Out of state tuition


Average In state tuition

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

DANC 114 Rhythmic Analysis and Music Resources for Dance 3 DANC 150 Dance Improvisation 3 DANC 170 Orientation to Dance Production 1 DANC 190 First Year Seminar 0 DANC 210 Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dance 3 DANC 251 Dance Composition I 3 DANC 252 Dance Composition II 3 DANC 270 Dance Production Lab 1 DANC 360 Choreography 3 DANC 362 RS: Directed Choreography 1 Select 2 credits from: DANC 370 Dance Performance DANC 371 Residency Workshop DANC 372 Advanced Dance Production 1 DANC 390 Dance History I (Mason Core) 1 3 DANC 391 Dance History II (Mason Core) 1 3 DANC 410 Introduction to Contemporary Movement Theories 3 DANC 454 Methods of Teaching Dance (Mason Core) 2 3 DANC 490 Senior Dance Seminar (Mason Core) 3 3 Select 8 credits from the following: 8 DANC 325 Modern/Contemporary Dance III (Mason Core) Select 12 credits from the following: 12 DANC 305 Intermediate Modern/Contemporary Dance I DANC 315 Intermediate Modern/Contemporary Dance II DANC 425 Advanced Modern/Contemporary Dance I (Mason Core) 4 DANC 435 Advanced Modern/ Contemporary Dance II Select 8 credits from the following: 8 DANC 345 Ballet III Select 12 credits from the following: 12 DANC 304 Intermediate Ballet I DANC 314 Intermediate Ballet II DANC 424 Advanced Ballet I DANC 434 Advanced Ballet II Dance Electives Select 4 credits from the following: 4 DANC 118 Global Dance Perspectives I (Mason Core) DANC 119 Dance in Popular Culture (Mason Core) DANC 120 Special Topics in Dance I DANC 131 Beginning Jazz Technique (Mason Core) DANC 161 Beginning Tap Dance (Mason Core) DANC 225 Modern/Contemporary Dance II (Mason Core) DANC 231 Intermediate Jazz Technique (Mason Core) DANC 245 Ballet II (Mason Core) DANC 318 Global Dance Perspectives II (Mason Core) DANC 324 Introduction to Dance Conditioning DANC 325 Modern/Contemporary Dance III (Mason Core) DANC 331 Advanced Jazz Dance (Mason Core) DANC 345 Ballet III DANC 362 RS: Directed Choreography DANC 399 Independent Study DANC 410 Introduction to Contemporary Movement Theories DANC 418 Global Dance Intensive (Mason Core) DANC 420 Special Topics in Dance II DANC 425 Advanced Modern/Contemporary Dance I (Mason Core) DANC 434 Advanced Ballet II DANC 435 Advanced Modern/ Contemporary Dance II DANC 445 Ballet IV DANC 453 Teaching Creative Movement DANC 462 Independent Choreography DANC 470 Advanced Dance Performance DANC 471 Advanced Residency Workshop

Last updated: Aug. 26, 2024