Marie-Christine Giordano Dance - video audition for — 2024-2025 Season Company Dancer

Recorded Video
Rolling Audition - No Due Date Provided

Video Requirements:

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Audition Description

Ms. Giordano's technique, based on principles of modern dance and ballet she considers valuable, develops in her dancers a powerful center, granting them the freedom to explore the full potential of their physical and artistic expression. It is a unique approach to movement, incorporating spirals, circular movements, crisp lines, shifts of weight, slow motion, a distinctive dynamic and the capacity to veer from total control to total abandon. The technique is respectful of a healthy alignment of the back and articulations, and guides students who want to become dancers and artists seeking a long career. "Working with Marie-Christine Giordano and her technique has been one of the most challenging and rewarding dance experiences I have had. Her technique builds on the natural alignment of the body. It requires control of the core, but release of the breath, which allows for the dynamic of movement. Breath and alignment empower the mood of the given work. The technique often takes place in parallel position which requires the dancer to develop and open up new parts of the body. The work is raw and comes from an honest natural place while requiring extreme control and accuracy. The movement is not anticipated but rather a result of momentum and design." –Brooke Jones The Giordano technique asks the dancer to engage in their total self. The challenge for the dancer is to operate in proper alignment while remaining relaxed in mind and engaged in the spirit of the movement. There is an essential intensity to Marie-Christine Giordano's movement that is distinct and honest. I have gained insight into my own anatomical habits as a dancer and how these habits manifest outside of the studio just as much as when I am dancing in a formal setting. While studying the Giordano technique I have realized that the more control I strive to gain, the more freedom I can realize. -Alice Johnston

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2024-2025 Season Company Dancer
Updated: March 1, 2025