Located in Manhattan in the heart of New York City, MMC’s Dance BA program draws upon the highest standards of the profession, is versatile, and prepares you for various careers in dance. Your personal growth, on stage and off, is at the heart of our mission. Unlike other dance programs, MMC’s Dance BA encourages you to pursue a minor or a double major in other areas of the College’s curriculum, providing you with additional skills and knowledge, expanding opportunities for personal growth. You will be prepared to become a citizen of the world and a true advocate for the arts. Our interest is in you as a whole person, an artist who balances a trained body with an active, capable mind. You can audition for the MMC Dance Company, study abroad or apply for one of countless internships. In your senior year, you will be assisted in resume preparation, cover letters, and photos to land interviews and auditions. Our priority is to prepare you for life after graduation. Our faculty consists of some of the finest professors and dance professionals in New York City. Under their guidance, you’ll develop the discipline, self-confidence, and self-motivation valuable in any field, but essential to dance. Studying dance at MMC gives you the foundation to combine discipline with artistry and creativity — just what you’ll need for a seamless transition to the professional dance world.
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Tuition (Full-time)
- Available
55th Street Residence Hall, Turtle Bay Residence Hall
MMC Housing and Food Residents (1st, 2nd & 3rd year)
55th Street Residence Hall, Turtle Bay Residence Hall
MMC Housing and Food Residents (4th year +)
Required courses: (31 credits) Ballet (by placement) 6 Modern (by placement) 6 Jazz (by placement) 3 DANC 120 Stagecraft for Dance 2 DANC 203 Rhythm in Sound and Movement 2 DANC 222 Embodied Africanist Aesthetics 3 DANC 354 Dance and Cultural Histories 3 DANC 364 Critical Approaches to Dance 3 DANC 495 Senior Seminar 3 The remaining 21 credits should be earned by completing one of the following four concentrations Body, Science and Motion Concentration (w/optional Biology or Psychology Minor) (21 Credits) Required courses: (21 credits) BIOL 116 Nutrition 3 BIOL 136 Anatomy 4 BIOL 234 Human Physiology 4 DANC 261 Introduction to Movement Analysis and Notation 3 DANC 369 Anatomy II 3 DANC 371 Somatic Awareness 3 DANC 399 Independent Study/Internship 1-6 or DANC 499 Independent Study/Internship 1-6 Dance and Media Concentration (21 Credits) Required courses: (15 credits) ART 116 Color and Design 3 or DANC 291 Music for Dance 3 COMM 112 Storytelling Across Media 3 DANC 216/COMM 216/MUS 216 Digital Sound Workshop 3 DANC 351 Dance Composition I 3 DANC 370 Movement, Media, Theory 3 Two sequential courses from any one of the following areas: (6 credits) A. Video COMM 233 Video Field Production 3 COMM 359 Directing Video 3 B. Photography ART 121 Photography I: An Introduction to Medium, Content and Context 3 ART 213 Photography II: An Intermediate Exploration of Medium, Content and Context 3 C. Digital Imaging and Web-based Media ART 210 Digital Imaging I 3 ART 342 DIGITAL IMAGING II COMM 225 New Media Workshop 3 COMM 325 Interactive Media 3 COMM 326 Producing For Creative Media 3 COMM 347 Integrated Media 3 D. Audio Design and Production COMM 349/MUS 349 Projects in Digital Sound 3 THTR 254 Audio Technology for Performance I 3 THTR 354 Audio Technology for Performance II 3 E. Graphic Design ART 237 Graphic Design I 3 ART 338 Graphic Design II: Digital 3 Dance Studies Concentration (21 Credits) Required courses: (21) DANC 261 Introduction to Movement Analysis and Notation 3 DANC 291 Music for Dance 3 DANC 351 Dance Composition I 3 DANC One appropriate 300- or 400-level course from another Dance BA concentration 3 PHR 101 Foundations of Social and Political Inquiry 3 PHR 342/IS 342/PS 342/SOC 342 Social Movement Protest and Conflict 3 PHR 357/IS 357 Human Rights in Comparative Perspective 3 Teaching Dance Arts Concentration (21 Credits) Required courses: (21) DANC 291 Music for Dance 3 DANC 303 Experiential Anatomy 3 DANC 351 Dance Composition I 3 DANC 357 Techniques of Teaching Dance I: Creative Dance for Children 3 DANC 457 Techniques of Teaching Dance II 3 DANC Elective in Modern or Ballet 3 or DANC 340 Improvisation 1 and Two Semesters of Projects 2 DANC 371 Somatic Awareness 3