Mosa Ballet School - Year-Round Program - Main Program

Place Saint-Paul 12-16 4000 Liège Belgium
Not company affiliated
No adult program
Education access offerings unknown
Styles: General Classical
In Person


The Main Program is organized into 6 dance levels and is aimed at students aged 12 to 18. It is a hybrid program that consists of intensive high-level dance practice associated with general secondary education within our partner school, the Athénée Charles Rogier, located a short distance from the Mosa Ballet School. Each student at Mosa follows, in parallel with their dance course, a school course that will allow them to obtain a secondary school diploma. The schedules are adapted for the dancers, allowing them to reconcile two demanding courses.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Accommodation and full board, 5 days (and 4 nights) per week from Monday morning to Friday


Accommodation and full board, 5 days (and 5 nights) per week from Sunday evening to Friday


Accommodation and full board, 7 days (and 7 nights) per week

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

The Main Program is organized into 6 dance levels and is aimed at students aged 12 to 18. It is a hybrid program that consists of intensive high-level dance practice associated with general secondary education within our partner school, the Athénée Charles Rogier, located a short distance from the Mosa Ballet School. Each student at Mosa follows, in parallel with their dance course, a school course that will allow them to obtain a secondary school diploma. The schedules are adapted for the dancers, allowing them to reconcile two demanding courses.

Last updated: July 25, 2024