Perry-Mansfield - video audition for — Summer Dance Intensives 2024

Recorded Video
Rolling Audition - No Due Date Provided

Video Requirements:

No information provided

Audition Description

Your audition. The performance should be recorded as if you are at a “live” audition. Performance videos will not be accepted. Start recording and state your full name and the requested inclusions required of the program you are auditioning for. State the date. Perform per the requirements of the program you are auditioning for. At the conclusion of the performance portion of the audition, please announce that you have “reached the end of my audition” and restate your name. After you complete the Perry-Mansfield video audition recording, post your audition video on YouTube or other video account and upload an unlisted link.

Associated Programs

Summer Dance Intensives 2024
Updated: April 21, 2024