Queensland Ballet - Trainee/Second Company - Pre-Professional Program

81 Newmarket Road, Windsor 4030, QLD Australia
No upcoming auditions for this program
30 hours/week
Company affiliated
Education access offerings unknown
Stipend offering unknown
Styles: General Classical
Financial Aid
In Person


Queensland Ballet Academy’s Pre-Professional Program is a full-time final year training program providing students with the preparation and training they require before joining a professional ballet company.   Students work intensively to develop their skills to the highest artistic and technical standards, and are given the opportunity to perform in Company productions and at other Queensland Ballet events throughout the year.   The training our students receive will prepare them for potential employment with Queensland Ballet, or any other Australian or international company. Daily training is provided by Queensland Ballet’s Artistic and Academy staff and the Company’s associate teachers.  Following the successful completion of the Pre-Professional Program, dancers are ready to audition for Queensland Ballet’s Jette Parker Young Artist Program. Becoming a Young Artist serves as an apprentice entry into Queensland Ballet Company. All Queensland Ballet Academy programs are overseen by Queensland Ballet’s Artistic Director, Li Cunxin AO, and students enjoy the privilege and benefit of working within a professional environment.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


Full tuition


- Available

Housing (1)


no location provided


Assistance with homestay placement is available for Academy Program students in Years 10 to 12 only.

Session Description

Queensland Ballet Academy’s Pre-Professional Program is a full-time final year training program providing students with the preparation and training they require before joining a professional ballet company. Pre-Professional Program students must be turning 18 years of age within the year of commencement.

Last updated: June 19, 2024