Rambert School - Collegiate Program - The Foundation (FD) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) Ballet and Contemporary Programs

Twickenham TW1 1PY, United Kingdom
Not company affiliated
Double major offering unknown
Early graduation offering unknown
Study abroad offering unknown
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Other
In Person


The Foundation (FD) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons) Degree programmes are designed to develop dancers using highly tuned dance training by a wide, experienced and varied faculty, all prominent in their specialism. Arguably the equal emphasis upon training in these two genres is unique within the UK, and the curriculum is enriched by inputs from guest artists and choreographers from the profession. Modules on the degree programme include: daily ballet classes, daily pointe work, classical partnering work, coaching, learning performance and classical ballet repertoire. Daily contemporary classes range from teaching of foundational techniques such as those pioneered by Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham, through release-based styles and newer techniques such as Gaga. Students also study improvisation on a weekly basis. Other modules also include Critical Studies which gives students the skills they need to become thinking dancers and choreographers. In addition there are weekly workshops on choreography and improvisation. Performing plays a key part in the students’ experience and there are regular student choreographic platforms, where students of all years can show their works in the theatre or online. In addition newly commissioned works and re-staged repertory are performed each year, both in the School’s own Anya Linden Studio Theatre and at external venues, both in London and elsewhere.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


‘Home Fee’ status


‘International Fee’ status

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

Year One: Introductory Ballet, Introductory Contemporary Dance, Critical Studies, Introductory Choreography, Elementary Ballet, Elementary Contemporary Dance, Elementary Choreography. Year Two: Pre-Advanced Ballet, Pre-Advanced Contemporary Dance, The Technical and Stylistic, Development of Ballet Choreography and Performance, Pre-Advanced Ballet, Pre-Advanced Contemporary Dance, The Technical and Stylistic Development of Ballet, Choreography and Performance Practice. Year Three BA (Hons) degree top up: Special Project (incorporating Dissertation Project and Choreography & Performance Practice), Professional Ballet, Professional Contemporary Dance, Accomplished Professional Ballet and Accomplished Professional Contemporary Dance.

Last updated: Sept. 11, 2024