Roanoke Ballet Theatre - Trainee/Second Company - Trainee Program

1318 Grandin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24015
25 hours/week
Company affiliated
Education access offerings unknown
Stipend offering unknown
Styles: General Classical
In Person


The Roanoke Ballet Theatre Trainee Program is for dancers ages 17 and older who want to continue refining their technique while gaining performance experience in a professional company. Students are selected to participate in the Trainee Program by invitation from Artistic Director, Sandra Meythaler. The Program is a rigorous learning environment in which dancers train and rehearse with the professional company in addition to taking evening classes throughout the week in ballet, pointe, variations, modern, and number of master classes throughout the season. In the fall of 2020, Rolando Sarabia of the Washington Ballet, became RBT's artistic consultant and resident guest teacher working with both the professional company members and dancers enrolled in the Trainee Program. This Program does allow time for dancers to have a part time job, or pursue further academic studies along with their training hours in the studio.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options


$5,000 paid in full or 9 monthly payments from Sept-May

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

The Roanoke Ballet Theatre Trainee Program is for dancers ages 17 and older who are wanting to continue refining their technique and artistic abilities while gaining performance experience in a professional company. Students are selected to participate in the Trainee Program by invitation from Roanoke Ballet Theatre’s Executive Director, Sandra Meythaler and Artistic Director, Rolando Sarabia. Ms. Meythaler was a principal ballerina with the National Ballet of Ecuador. She began dancing professionally at the age of fifteen with Compania Nacional de Dance in Ecuador and then joined the National Ballet of Ecuador in 1989. She also danced with Ballet Novo, Opera Ecuador and Koral y Esmeralda. In 2001Sandra became a part of Roanoke Ballet Theatre and was promoted to Director in 2007. She is also a professor of dance at Washington and Lee University.

Last updated: Oct. 7, 2023