The creation of the New York City Ballet in 1948 is a milestone in the history of the School of American Ballet, for it marked the realization of George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein’s primary goal in founding SAB: to create an American ballet company. Since then, the School and NYCB have been intimately linked. For the past seven decades, SAB has been the official training academy of New York City Ballet. SAB offers pre-professional ballet training programs for students 6-18 years old. Admission to these programs is by audition only. The Winter Term is SAB’s year-round training program for students 6-18 years old and runs from September through June.
Girls II
Girls III
Boys III
Girls IV
Boys IV
Girls V
Housing - Unavailable
The Children’s Division enrolls students from the greater New York metropolitan area ranging in age from 8 to 13. Boarding is not available for students in this division. The intensity, frequency, and complexity of training progresses as children advance through five levels for girls and four levels for boys. Class level placement is based on a combination of age and advancement, and instruction is highly specific, with individualized corrections ensuring that all students receive the feedback necessary to master the material presented. Parents of Children’s Division students are invited to observe their children in class during special visit days in January, April and June.
Preparatory Division, Girls I
Girls II
Girls III
Boys III
Girls IV
Boys IV
Girls V
Girls B1, B2, C1, C2, D, Intermediate and Advanced Men
- Available
no location provided
SAB’s onsite residence hall is a living-learning environment. We strive to cultivate a safe, nurturing and healthy community which integrates artistic growth with academic success and the development of strong life skills. A focus on meeting the unique needs of adolescent residents ranging in age from 14 to 18 underpins the work of the School’s Student Life Department as they oversee SAB’s home-away-from-home for Intermediate and Advanced Winter Term students whose families live outside of the New York metropolitan area. Residential spots are limited and housing invitations are allocated through the admissions process.
The School’s Winter Term runs from September through June. Study in the Winter Term is for beginning, intermediate and advanced students, 6* to 18 years old. Admission to the Winter Term is by audition only.
Girls B1, B2, C1, C2, D, Intermediate and Advanced Men
- Available
School of American Ballet dorm housing
SAB’s onsite residence hall is a living-learning environment. We strive to cultivate a safe, nurturing and healthy community which integrates artistic growth with academic success and the development of strong life skills. A focus on meeting the unique needs of adolescent residents ranging in age from 14 to 18 underpins the work of the School’s Student Life Department as they oversee SAB’s home-away-from-home for Intermediate and Advanced Winter Term students whose families live outside of the New York metropolitan area. Residential spots are limited and housing invitations are allocated through the admissions process.
Training in the Intermediate and Advanced Divisions is focused entirely on pre-professional students who are committed to training 6-days per week and working towards the possibility of a professional ballet career. Students hail from both the local New York metropolitan area as well as from around the United States and abroad. Over 60 non-local students aged 14 -18 reside in our onsite residence hall while training during the Winter Term. The Intermediate Division consists of two class levels for girls (B1 and B2) and Intermediate Men. The Advanced Division consists of three levels for girls (C1, C2 and D) and Advanced Men. Students who are at a later stage of training at the time of admission to SAB will be placed in the class level most suited to their skill and advancement. Classes in these levels focus on refining technique and instilling the necessary versatility, artistry and discipline to achieve a career in classical ballet.
Preparatory Division, Girls I
Housing - Unavailable
The Preparatory Division enrolls 6 and 7 year olds who are either new to ballet or who have taken creative movement and beginning ballet classes elsewhere. The Preparatory curriculum focuses on the basic elements of ballet technique and nurtures the discipline that focused ballet training demands. In two 1-hour ballet technique classes per week, students experience the fundamental components of a ballet class—barre and center work—and learn characteristics essential to success in ballet, including respect for teachers and classmates, self control, persistence and patience. Progression from the Preparatory Division to the Children’s Division is not automatic. Students must demonstrate a sufficient level of interest, focus, and technical progress to advance to the next level of training. While re-enrollment decisions operate on an annual cycle, on rare occasions Preparatory Division students may be asked to depart the School mid-year should they fail to demonstrate sufficient maturity or behave in a way that is counterproductive to the overall progress of the class. Parents of Preparatory Division students are invited to observe their children in class at the end of the Winter Term.