Texas A and M (TAMU) - Collegiate Program - B.S. in Kinesiology: Dance Science

Texas A&M University 789 Ross Street 3137 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3137
25 hours/week
Not company affiliated
Offers double major
Early graduation offering unknown
Study abroad offering unknown
Styles: Other
Not Competitive
Financial Aid
In Person


The TAMU Dance Program focuses on the health and well-being of the dancer while finding a balance between one’s structural limitations and the aesthetics of dance. Students study anatomy, injury prevention, nutrition, psychological aspects of the dancer, dance research, and proper biomechanical principles of dance technique. Additional coursework includes dance production, dance composition, Pilates, dance history, partnering, improvisation, and dance pedagogy.


Session Information

Not Provided


Not Provided

Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

More information to come.

Last updated: Oct. 3, 2022