Julliard School - Collegiate Program - Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance

60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023
Not company affiliated
Double major offering unknown
Early graduation offering unknown
Offers study abroad
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Hip Hop, Other
Financial Aid
In Person


In our 4-year dance program – leading to a bachelor of fine arts degree – students learn the great traditions of both past and present. Juilliard develops artists who are trained in ballet, modern, and contemporary dance techniques. Juilliard dancers enjoy unparalleled opportunities to work with today’s leading choreographers and perform both new work and existing repertory. In addition to a high caliber of technical training and performance opportunities, dancers will learn about the craft of choreography and immerse themselves in other facets of the field. Located at Lincoln Center in New York City – the arts capital of the nation – Juilliard prepares dancers for all the possibilities that lie ahead.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options




- Available

Housing (1)


The Juilliard School, 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023


Double Room, including Meal Plan

Session Description

First Year Required of all first-time college students. JUILL 101 — Discover Juilliard Major Studies DANCE B101-2 — Ballet (6 levels) DANCE B103M-W — Ballet Technique (3 levels) DANCE 101M-102M — Modern I – Limon DANCE 103M-104M — Modern I – Graham DANCE 101P-102P — Partnering I – Fundamentals DANCE 101 — First Year Seminar DANCE 151 — Hip-hop Foundations Departmental Studies DSDAN 101-102 — Repertory, Collaborations, Performance I DSDAN 100 — Alexander Technique DSDAN 110 — Pilates Mat DSDAN 111-112 — Dance Composition I DSDAN 161-162 — Elements of Performing THMUS 111D-112D — Music Studies for Dance I Liberal Arts LARTS 111 — Ethics, Conscience, and the Good Life LARTS 112 — Society, Politics, and Culture Total Credits 1st Year: 43 Second Year Second part of Juilliard Colloquium required for all second-year dancers who entered the program as a first-time student. JUILL 102 — Essentials of Entrepreneurship in the Arts Major Studies DANCE B101-2 — Ballet (6 levels) DANCE B103M-W — Ballet Technique (3 levels) DANCE 201M-202M — Modern II – Graham DANCE 203M — Modern II – Taylor DANCE 204M — Modern II – Horton DANCE 201P-202P — Partnering II DANCE 201 — World Dance Departmental Studies DSDAN 131 — Dance History I DSDAN 132 — Dance History II DSDAN 201-202 — Repertory, Collaborations, Performance II DSDAN 211-212 — Dance Composition II DSDAN 231 — Acting THMUS 211D-212D — Music Studies II for Dancers Liberal Arts LARTS 212 — Citizenship, Art, and Politics Liberal Arts Elective (LARTS 000) 3 credits Total Credits 2nd Year: 44.5 Third Year Major Studies DANCE B101-2 — Ballet (6 levels) DANCE B103M-W — Ballet Technique (3 levels) DANCE 301M-302M — Modern III – Cunningham DANCE 303M — Modern III – Limon DANCE 302P — Partnering III - Contact Improv DANCE 301 — Topics in Dance – Gaga DANCE 302 — Topics in Dance – Guests DANCE 303 — Topics in Dance – Floor Work Departmental Studies DSDAN 301-302 — Repertory, Collaborations, Performance III DSDAN 341-342 — Stagecraft DSDAN 351-352 — Anatomy/Kinesiology Liberal Arts LARTS 000-0 - Liberal Arts Electives 6 credits Total Credits 3rd Year: 35.5 Fourth Year Major Studies DANCE B101-2 — Ballet (6 levels) DANCE B103M-W — Ballet Technique (3 levels) DANCE 401M-402M — Modern IV – Horton/Contemporary DANCE 401P-402P — Partnering IV DANCE 401 — Topics in Dance – Guest Artists DANCE 403 — Topics in Dance – Gaga DANCE 410 — Self Care for Professional Performers Departmental Studies DSDAN 401-402 — Repertory, Collaborations, Performance IV DSDAN 441-442 — Senior Production DSDAN 461 — Pedagogy DSDAN 471-472 — Seminar for Seniors Total Credits 4th Year: 26 TOTAL CREDITS 149 Dance Electives: These courses may be elected in any year of the program. Not all courses may be offered every year. DSDAN 111E-112E — Voice for Dancers DSDAN 124E — Hip-hop DSDAN 125E-126E — Yoga DSDAN 127E — Mindfulness DSDAN 131E-132E — Tap (3 Levels) DSDAN 281E — Solo and Duet Repertory DSDAN 391E — Dance Composition III: Technology, New Media, and Multi-Arts Integration DSDAN 410E — Senior Production Choreography DSDAN 470E — Choreographers and Composers

Last updated: Sept. 1, 2024