Tulsa Ballet - Second Company - Tulsa Ballet 2 (TBII)

1212 E 45th Pl, Tulsa, OK 74105
40 hours/week
Company affiliated
Education access offerings unknown
Offers stipend
Styles: General Classical
In Person


Tulsa Ballet II (TBII) is the official second company of Tulsa Ballet. TBII was designed to provide a bridge between the student phase of an aspiring classical ballet dancer and their professional career. Through a national and an international audition search, the most talented young dancers are invited to join TBII to refine their artistic and technical skills by working alongside Tulsa Ballet’s main company. Tulsa Ballet’s investment in transitioning young, talented and well-trained dancers to their professional careers is considerable. We aim to provide all the tools necessary for a successful transition. TBII program benefits include: ‣ A monthly stipend to cover living expenses in Tulsa ‣ A 10-month contract for each TBII dancer ‣ The ability to take daily company class with Tulsa Ballet’s main company ‣ The opportunity to dance alongside Tulsa Ballet’s main company throughout the season, both in full-length ballets and triple-bill programs ‣ A mini-subscription series created especially for TBII dancers, comprised of two performance programs consisting of new and existing works from up-and-coming choreographers as well as established dance makers When combined with educational programs and touring, TBII performs twice as much as Tulsa Ballet’s main company, providing tremendous opportunity for artistic and technical growth. During the current season, 11 of the 28 professional dancers in the Tulsa Ballet’s main company are former TBII graduates. Dozens more are employed by professional companies around the world.


Session Information




Men's Program?


Tuition Options
- None Provided

Housing - Unavailable Housing

Session Description

Tulsa Ballet II (TBII) is the official second company of Tulsa Ballet. TBII was designed to provide a bridge between the student phase of an aspiring classical ballet dancer and their professional career. Through a national and an international audition search, the most talented young dancers are invited to join TBII to refine their artistic and technical skills by working alongside Tulsa Ballet’s main company. Tulsa Ballet’s investment in transitioning young, talented and well-trained dancers to their professional careers is considerable. We aim to provide all the tools necessary for a successful transition. TBII program benefits include: ‣ A monthly stipend to cover living expenses in Tulsa ‣ A 10-month contract for each TBII dancer ‣ The ability to take daily company class with Tulsa Ballet’s main company ‣ The opportunity to dance alongside Tulsa Ballet’s main company throughout the season, both in full-length ballets and triple-bill programs ‣ A mini-subscription series created especially for TBII dancers, comprised of two performance programs consisting of new and existing works from up-and-coming choreographers as well as established dance makers When combined with educational programs and touring, TBII performs twice as much as Tulsa Ballet’s main company, providing tremendous opportunity for artistic and technical growth. During the current season, 11 of the 28 professional dancers in the Tulsa Ballet’s main company are former TBII graduates. Dozens more are employed by professional companies around the world.

Last updated: Oct. 18, 2023