University of Arizona - audition for — BFA Program

In-Person - Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby
Date: Nov. 9, 2024
Pre-Registration Date: Nov. 8, 2024
Price: $60.00

Arrival Time:

Unknown 9:00 am – Audition check-in, Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby 10:00 am – Audition begins and runs approximately 3 ½ hours 1:30 pm* (approximate time) – Audition ends. At the end of the audition parents and dancers are invited to attend an optional Q & A with Faculty *End time of audition subject to change depending on the number of dancers attending. When making travel plans it’s recommended to plan around a 3pm end time for the audition.

Audition Description

Fall – Saturday, November 9, 2024 Check In: 9:00AM and Audition starts at 10:00AM Location: Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby Step One: Complete an application for admission to the University of Arizona. Step Two: Complete the College of Fine Arts supplemental application in your UA Future online portal. Outline of training in Ballet, Modern, Contemporary & Jazz Resume of dance experience Full body photo in first arabesque Headshot Reference contact information Application Fee Entry into the UA Dance Program is by audition only. In Person Audition Details: Video content is no longer part of the initial dance application for dancers attending an in-person audition. Dancers under consideration for the program after participating in an in-person audition may be asked to submit video content as part of the ongoing consideration process. ***You will receive an EMAIL with a link/details on what is needed in your video submission. Video Audition Details: Every dancer auditioning by video needs to submit all the required video content outlined in the dance application. All the required video content is needed for an application to be considered complete. Dancers who choose to attend an in-person audition are considered for a Dance Merit Scholarship. Dancers who audition by video are not under consideration for a Dance Merit Scholarship until their second year in the program. There are three possible outcomes for an audition: Acceptance, Under Consideration – Request for Video/Additional Info, or Non-Acceptance. Every dancer has two opportunities to audition for UA Dance. If you are not accepted into the UA Dance BFA program, you have two options for a second audition. You may either audition a second time for entry into the program for fall of 2025 or audition next year for entry to the program in the fall of 2026 as a second year/transfer student.

Associated Programs

BFA Program
Updated: July 19, 2024