University of Minnesota - Collegiate Program - Dance - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

580 Rarig Center 330 21st Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55455
Not company affiliated
Double major offering unknown
Early graduation offering unknown
Offers study abroad
Styles: General Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Jazz, Other
Not Competitive
Financial Aid
In Person


The BA in dance emphasizes general studies of contemporary dance in a global context. This degree prepares the student for further studies in such areas of dance as performance, choreography, dance theory, teaching, arts management, movement therapy, and kinesiology. BA requirements include modern/contemporary technique, performance experience with faculty and visiting artists at the pre-professional level, four semesters of dance making, and three semesters of history and theory. It is feasible to double major or pursue a dual degree with the Dance BA. Acceptance into the BA is by audition only.


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Last updated: Aug. 18, 2023