Arrival Time:
If applying to Ballet (BFA)
Barre Work (maximum of 5 minutes; only one side needed of each combination)
Pliés, tendus, adagio, grand battements.
Center Work (maximum 5 minutes)
Pirouette combination with pirouettes en‐dehors and en‐dedans.
Allegro combinations:
Petite allegro
Grand allegro (Optional, if enough space to execute the combination safely.)
Men, please include tours en l’air right and left.
Pointe work (ladies only): échappés, retirés, double pirouettes en‐dehors and en‐dedans on pointe.
Classical variation (ladies must present their variation on pointe)
one to two minutes in length
Photograph Requirements
Photograph facing front, pointe tendu in second with arms in second.
Female ballet applicants: photograph in first or second arabesque on pointe.
Male ballet applicants: photograph in first or second arabesque.
If applying to Contemporary (BFA)
Barre Work (maximum of 5 minutes; only one side needed of each combination)
Plié, tendu/degage, rond de jambe, passé développé (front, side and back), grand battement and a balance on one leg in attitude back.
Center Work (maximum 2 minutes)
A one to two‐minute self‐ choreographed solo.
Must be performed to ‘classical/art’ music.
Examples of composers: J. S. Bach, Ludwig von Beethoven, Aaron Copland, Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, Philip Glass.
Photograph Requirements
Photograph in a contemporary position.