Ballet Melange - video audition for — Performance Company — Trainee Program & 1 more

Recorded Video
Rolling Audition - No Due Date Provided
Price: $20.00

Video Requirements:

Registration 1:30 Audition 2 - 4 pm

Audition Description

Audition for Ballet Melange Trainee Program and Classical Ballet Academy's summer intensive. Ballet Melange is a high level performing trainee company for emerging professionals. Video Audition Requirements The video should be 20 to 25 minutes in length and include ballet elements below as well as a video of a recent classical variation and a contemporary piece. Barre: Plié Battement tendu Adagio Grand Battement Center: Adagio Battement tendu Pirouettes Jumps: Petite allegro Grand Allegro Pointe (females): Echappe Pirouettes ​ Variations: (Either stage or studio) Classical variation Contemporary piece

Associated Jobs

Performance Company

Associated Programs

Trainee Program Ballet Melange 2
Updated: June 19, 2024