Video submissions for the 2025 Dance Summer Intensives open December 1st. To audition by video, review all of the audition content requirements for the Summer Intensive of your choice, register online, and submit your video.
Video submissions should be made through a single YouTube or Vimeo link (No Files) emailed to [email protected]. The email subject line should follow this format: SI Audition - Student Name, Date of birth, Age as of June 19th, and the program you are auditioning for.
Audition Attire
Applicants must wear practice clothes.
Do not wear skirts, loose-fitting tee-shirts or leg warmers.
Wear clothing that contrasts with the filming environment so you can be seen clearly and stand out from the background.
Audition Content
Barre Work (maximum of 5 minutes; only one side needed of each combination)
Pliés, tendus, adagio, grand battements.
Center Work (maximum 5 minutes)
Pirouette combination with pirouettes en‐dehors and en‐dedans.
Allegro combinations:
Petite allegro
Grand allegro (Optional, if enough space to execute the combination safely.)
Men, please include tours en l'air right and left.
Pointe work (ladies only): échappés, retirés, double pirouettes en‐dehors and en‐dedans on pointe.
Classical variation (ladies must present their variation on pointe)
one to two minutes in length
Photographs are not required for Summer Dance auditions.